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Lake Views
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Meetings with a view and a vision

Welcome to the Pearsall area: Where simplicity meets vision and views

The Pearsall room is a classic seminar room named after the English composer Robert Lucas Pearsall de Willsbridge, whose son remodelled the outdated buildings from 1843 to 1853 into today's prestigious neo-Gothic castle. Here you can experience pure simplicity, free from any distractions. This room offers you the opportunity to hold meetings with a fantastic view.

Experience our castle and reserve the Pearsall Room for your seminars and training courses. Here you can work in a quiet and focused environment while taking in the expansive views. Use this space for training and development because at Pearsall, meetings are more than just meetings - they're an opportunity to broaden your horizons.

History and Functions

The Pearsall Room is located in the section called the Palas, next to the original 780 year old Keep, also known as the Dwelling Tower. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the keep was extended to include a kennel for horses and other living quarters, built next to the palas. Below the Gothic Room, the walls indicate that the Pearsall Room and the Gothic Room were originally built as a bay and were only reinforced around 1850.

In the period around 1972 the room was used as a staff retreat, with a bathroom and a small kitchen.


Flooded with natural light and free from any kind of distraction

At 42 square metres, the Pearsall Room provides a flexible space for different configurations and group dynamics.

The acoustic ceiling provides a pleasant sound backdrop and the room is flooded with natural light.

Lake Constance view
Mountain view
Flooded with natural light
Acoustic ceiling
On Request
Seminar equipment
On Request
Hybrid technology
Relaxed lounge atmosphere
Ballroom with a view
Where history meets magic.
Historically valuable and safe storage
Simply enjoy the ambiance
Discover the historic Wartensee Castle
Celebrate together in venerable rooms
Natural view of the Wartensee pond
Restaurant in the castle
For hundreds of years, people have been meeting and dancing in this room
Small to large, rooms with character …