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Schloss Wartensee

Castle, Event Location and Hotel

The castle walls high above Lake Constance have been inhabited for over 777 years. The "Wart am See" is a true witness to a turbulent past. Today, the castle masterfully blends history and modernity as a "castle of possibilities", which you can experience as a guest not only in the many different rooms, but also around the castle.

The castle garden is open between May and September and is well worth a visit for its culinary delights alone. Authentic, honest, simple and real, it enchants us and our guests all year round with its breathtaking views over Lake Constance.

Older than Switzerland by 48 years

The current shape of the castle is influenced by previous owners, in particular the von Blarer and von Wartensee families (1377-1719). The English composer Robert Lucas Pearsall de Willsbridge also played an important role. His son converted the buildings from 1843 to 1853 into today's neo-Gothic castle.


Heinrich von Wartensee

Knight Heinrich von Wartensee built a residential tower near Lake Constance. This building still stands today as the western residential tower.



The two heiresses of Wartensee married the two brothers Walter and Diethelm von Blarer from St. Gallen. Walter and Klara became the progenitors of the Blarer family of Wartensee, who owned the castle until 1719.


Sale to the St.Gallen Monastery

A private owner sold the castle to the monastery of St.Gallen for 12,000guilders.


Baron Robert Lucas Pearsall

The estate was taken over by the English Baron Robert Lucas Pearsall de Willsbridge, Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem. After his father's death, his son Robert Lucas rebuilt the medieval castle into its present neo-Gothic form. The park also dates from this period.


Homestead and Educational Center

After changing hands several times, the castle was eventually purchased by the association ’Ostschweizerische Evangelische Heimstätte Schloss Wartensee’ and from then on used as an educational center.


Conference and Meeting Center

The castle became the property of the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of St.Gallen. Between 1994 and 1996, they extensively renovated the buildings and adapted the castle to the modern needs of a conference and meeting center. The management of the center was entrusted to a foundation.


Quality Label

The castle has been awarded the second level of the Swiss Tourism Label.


A New West Wing

Thestudio was converted into a tower lounge, the furnishings were replaced and the guest rooms in the west wing were also redesigned. In addition, the castle chapel was artistically decorated.


Closure of the Meeting Center

The conference and meeting center closed down in mid-December.


Hotel of Opportunities

EngineerUrs Räbsamen became the new owner of Schloss Wartensee and has been running it as the Hotel of Opportunities ever since.


Wartensee Castle - 777 years old

Simple. Honest. Authentic. birthday Experience. Schloss Wartensee invites you to a beer festival.

The Magazine

"Do good and talk about it", in the words of Georg-Volkmar Count Zedtwitz-Arnim.
Our story with Schloss Wartensee began in the summer of 2019. We made: no promises. There was: no press release. We took our time: To arrive. To look. To listen. To get a feel for it. We heard many stories about the castle, had great encounters with people who are connected to Schloss Wartensee, and we also had a lot to tell.
The Schlosszeit Magazine was born out of the idea to share some of these experiences with the world, to make the story behind the story visible, and to preserve it.

Castle Hosts and ghosts

Our international team with roots in Italy, South Tyrol and the Lake Constance region combines experience from London, Spain, Flims and St. Gallen. Our SIMPLY HONEST service quality reflects the Italianità of the South and the down-to-earth hospitality of Switzerland. Book your time in the castle. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Reception & Guest Services

Welcome to the heart of our castle! The reception team will do everything they can to make your stay great right from the start. We focus on your wishes and needs. Whether you have questions about leisure activities in the area or need specific recommendations, we're always here to make your visit memorable. Feel welcome as soon as you arrive at BariON and enjoy the unique atmosphere of our castle.

Is it possible to rent the whole castle?

Our Schloss Exclusive offer allows you to hire the entire castle exclusively for 24 hours. Organise your event as you wish. Use the indoor and outdoor areas as you want. The 28 bedrooms and a hearty breakfast for your guests are also included in this offer.

If you have any questions, our reception team will be happy to help.

Our Schloss Exclusive offer allows you to hire the entire castle exclusively for 24 hours. Organise your event as you wish. Use the indoor and outdoor areas as you want. The 28 bedrooms and a hearty breakfast for your guests are also included in this offer.

If you have any questions, our reception team will be happy to help.

Castle Cuisine & Hospitality

In our castle kitchen, we create culinary experiences that will enchant your senses. Our kitchen team places great value on using local and seasonal ingredients to create exceptional quality dishes for you. The friendly service in our catering area ensures that you always feel comfortable and well cared for. Whether it's a romantic dinner or a festive banquet — we are proud to provide the right culinary setting for every occasion. Let yourself be pampered by us and enjoy the time spent at the castle.

Upkeep & Maintenance

A lock requires care — both indoors and outdoors. In order to preserve the character of the castle, architectural skills and continuous maintenance are essential. Our team ensures a modern infrastructure in the castle rooms and a wonderfully maintained environment, so that the moment you arrive is a pleasure. We are even creating space for bee houses to support and enrich the nature around the castle.


As your hosts at the Castle, we are not only custodians of over 777 years of tradition, but also promoters of a contemporary guest experience. Deeply rooted in the region, we use the benefits of the digital age to enrich your experience and keep the spirit of the castle alive. Each visit brings the castle to life, creating a symbiosis that celebrates both the history and the present. As our guest, you will experience the combination of tradition and modernity, nestled in the picturesque Lake Constance region.